
Addition of Laundry Rod Received Building Surveyor Awards

The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) has been honoured with the Community Caring Award and Merit Award (Client / Client’s representative group) in the Maintenance and Rehabilitation Category of the Building Surveyor Awards 2021 organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS).

The project of “Addition of Laundry Rod in Specified Block Types of Existing Public Rental Housing Estates” demonstrates HA’s determination to provide our tenants with quality public services. Tenants of about 280 000 public housing flats have benefitted from the safe laundry facilities. The jury panel of the Awards commended that the project “adopted a people-oriented approach and thorough engagement”.

The Building Surveyor Awards is a biennial event organised by the HKIS. The theme for this year was “Community ˖ We Care”, emphasising care and contribution of building projects to the community.