
Four Awards on BIM Received

The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) has proudly received one organisation award and three project awards from the Construction Industry Council (CIC) Celebration of BIM Achievement 2022 and the Autodesk Hong Kong BIM Awards 2022.

At the CIC Celebration, the HA was honoured with the BIM Organisation Award in recognition of its efforts in the development of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Hong Kong. The HA also received awards in the same event for two projects, namely: (1) "BIM in Statutory Submission and Control – a successful step" which focuses on the use of BIM for drawing production to facilitate statutory submission, one of the most important aspects of BIM implementation in the construction industry; and (2) "Planning for Success: BIM for Construction / Safety Planning and Risk Mitigation" which utilises BIM generated simulation videos for tender assessment, aiming to ascertain the safety and buildability of contractors’ proposals and to minimise risks and delay.

The project of "Planning for Success: BIM for Construction / Safety Planning and Risk Mitigation" has also won the Outstanding BIM Applications Award in the Autodesk Hong Kong BIM Awards 2022.

Deputy Director of Housing (Development & Construction), Mr Stephen Leung (first left), receives the BIM Organisation Award at the CIC Celebration. Mr Stephen Leung (centre) pictured with the winning team of the project “Planning for Success: BIM for Construction Safety Planning and Risk Mitigation”.