
Industry Influencer Award Received

The Independent Checking Unit (ICU) of the Housing Department (HD) has recently been honoured with the Industry Influencer Award in the Autodesk Hong Kong BIM Awards 2020, in recognition of its efforts in promoting the application of Building Information Modelling (BIM).

As one of the pioneer users of BIM in Hong Kong, the HD has received a number of BIM awards in the past years. With the funding support from the Innovation and Technology Bureau, ICU has successfully developed the technology in using BIM models to generate plans that are suitable for statutory and building control submissions, and provided a reference guideline on the associated techniques and a plug-in software for detecting areas on the plans that have been edited manually. The technology enables the generation of 2-D plans produced from a 3-D BIM model without involving much manual editing works, and promotes the use of BIM technology in the construction industry.